Accessing Vizient Data at DHS

Accessing Vizient Data at DHS

  1. Using your DHS email, please create an account with Vizient at https://apps.vizientinc.com/userregistration/site/vz/#/001-VZ

3. Select your corresponding facility and complete the registration process

4. You will receive an email from vizientsupport@vizientinc.com  containing your login name and a link to establish a password.

a. Your institution's coordinator will be notified by Vizient of your product request. Your institution's coordinator will then complete your access request.

5. To log in to your Vizient account please visit https://www.vizientinc.com/


Members that want to access the data must be granted permission from Vizient. To gain access, contact your organization data liaison. Nonparticipants do not have access to data:

Tip: For more information on Vizient please log into your member dashboard, click on Education → Learning Center. There you can find learning materials that can help you understand how to use Vizient's tools and services.

For any questions contact: vizientsupport@vizientinc.com.


Attached please find the following documents,

  • Guide to using Vizient for research

  • Public use of Vizient for research or publication

  • Vizient data dictionary

  • Vizient data request application


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