Research Imaging Requests

Research Imaging Requests

How to Submit a Research Imaging Request

Request Form

To initiate a request for research imaging access, please complete the Research Imaging Request Form. All requests must be accompanied by Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and relevant documentation

URL: Medical Images Request for Research

Process Overview

  1. Upon submission, the request will be received by the Clinical Research Informatics (CRI) / Health Data Innovation Program (HDIP) team. An initial response acknowledging receipt of the request will be provided within 1-2 business days.

  2. Subsequently, CRI/HDIP staff will schedule a consultation to discuss the specifics of the request and obtain any necessary approval documentation.

  3. The team will review the request details and ensure alignment with the IRB approval. During the review process, the team will verify the IRB documentation, including (as applicable):

    • Letter of Approval

    • Research Methodology

    • Approved Personnel

    • HIPAA Waivers

    • Data Transfer Mechanism

For requests involving data transfer offsite, the CRI team will additionally assess:

  • Approved data elements for transfer

  • Transfer mechanism compliance

In some cases, a Data Use Agreement (DUA) must be executed to ensure compliance.

Time and Cost Estimate

Upon verification of all required approvals, the CRI team will provide an estimate of time and cost associated with the data extraction. Following approval of the estimate by the research team, data extraction will be conducted. The data will be delivered to the designated research PACS system or through the IRB-approved transfer method.

  • Once all approvals are gathered and verified, the CRI team will send an estimate of time and cost for the extractions.

  • Once the estimate is approved by the research team, the CRI team will extract the data and deliver it either into the research PACS system or via the IRB-approved methodology.


Request timelines vary based on the following factors:

  • The volume of requests in the queue

  • Complexity of the request

  • Timeliness of the research team’s response to estimates, follow-up questions, or additional documentation requests

  • Additional requirements, such as a DUA, Data Transfer Agreement (DTA), or Information Security approval, may significantly extend the timeline for completion.


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