Keck i2b2 FAQs

Who can access i2b2?

All USC investigators and research staff that have current certifications in Human Subjects and HIPAA can request access. Study roles in approved IRBs will determine the granularity of access.  We currently have a waiver to re-distribute safe-harbor de-identified clinical data from the health system to USC researchers.

What is the source of the i2b2 data?

Ultimately, the data is sourced from Cerner.

How can a researcher gain access to NOTES from DHS EHR? 

Right now, the only way to access is through the Millennium front-end. They would have to get a Millennium account if they don't have one.

 A limited number of text fields and questionnaires are in ELM.

How far back does this data go?

Data in i2b2 goes as far back as 2009

Which Keck Medicine sites are available in i2b2?

USC Care Sites in i2b2

Is any information restricted in i2b2?

Yes, mental health and HIV diagnosis are not available without IRB approval.

How long does it take to see results?

Results are typically returned in under one minute, depending on complexity. The turn-around time for dataset requests depends on many factors, including approval status of the study and type of data being requested. We are refining the process to shorten the wait time. It will be automated in the long term.

Can research teams request information regarding who the physicians are that are seeing the patients?


My results are not what I expect. Why?

During the pilot phases of the study we are seeking help from users to identify and resolve inaccuracies and improve the system. Unexpected results may be due to the data capture process in the originating information systems or data processing intended to clean and de-identify data. For example, in order to protect patient privacy, dates are obfuscated, so the volume of patients in a given time window may be different from what is expected. Please help us improve by reporting specific inaccuracies to

How is patient privacy protected?

Patient privacy is protected in accordance with Federal, State, and USC Policy. Only de-identified data is available directly through i2b2. Identifiable data can be requested with an i2b2 Clinical Data Request and is available after IRB approval.

Is there any existing verbiage published on i2b2 to include in my project request for IRB approval?

Yes, please visit Keck Data Request IRB Help

I am unable to access i2b2 from the link provided. Why is that?

You must be on the USC or MED network or connected to the network via VPN.