Additional REDCap Resources & Services

Additional REDCap Resources & Services

REDCap Office Hours

If you have any issues, concerns, or general questions you would like to address, please attend the REDCap Office Hours held every Thursday at 11:00 AM PST. Click here to register for a session.

REDCap Project Design Services

The REDCap SC-CTSI offers assistance to researcher teams in designing their REDCap projects. This assistance includes services such as project setup, data entry, and import, among others.

We charge a fixed rate for these services, with a fee of $125 per hour for projects with NIH funding and $150 per hour for projects without NIH funding. Assistant Professors may qualify as Junior Investigators and may be eligible for a certain number of free hours of service per year.

To request a free initial consultation for REDCap project design services, researchers can contact our team by filling out this form link here: Paid REDCap Design Services

Previous Demonstrations

REDCap Technical Overview


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