Social and Environmental Determinants of Health (SEDoH) in i2b2
- 1 Catalog of Measurements
- 2 Caveats
- 3 Data Sources
- 3.1 ACS
- 3.2 CalEPA_CES
- 3.3 CDC
- 3.4 Esri Business Analyst
- 3.5 SCEHSC
- 3.6 USDA
- 4 References
- 5 Assistance
Catalog of Measurements
Our Keck i2b2 patient data mart is being augmented with SEDoH measurements from a number of sources. The table below provides details.
Name of Measure | Source(s) | Release Year | How Related to Patient Residences | Data Collection Dates | Range of Values (units) | Description |
Avg Ozone (O3), By Year | SCEHSC | 2016 | Southern California; 1km | 2009 | 22.4-59.77 ppb | Air Quality Indicator - Ozone (O3) |
Avg Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), By Year | SCEHSC | 2016 | Southern California; 1km | 2009 | 0.98-27.55 ppb | Air Quality Indicator - Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) |
Avg PM10, By Year | SCEHSC | 2016 | Southern California; 1km | 2009 | 10.4-85.16 micrograms per cubic meter [8.26-145.16] | Air Quality Indicator - Coarse Particulate Matter <= 10 microns and > 2.5 microns |
Avg PM2.5, By Year | SCEHSC | 2016 | Southern California; 1km | 2009 | 0.02-21.85 micrograms per cubic meter [1.17-30.87] | Air Quality Indicator - Fine Particulate Matter <= 2.5 microns. |
Social Vulnerability Index | CDC | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-1.0 (index value) | Social vulnerability measures community resilience to respond to or recover from threats to public health. The CDC SVI uses Census data for 15 social factors, including poverty, lack of access to transportation, and crowded housing, grouped into four themes. The index ranges from 0 to 1, with higher values indicating more-vulnerable populations. |
Gini Inequality Coefficient | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.01-0.89 (index value) | Income inequality is the extent to which income is distributed unevenly among a population. The Gini Index is a summary measure where higher values indicate greater inequality; the coefficient ranges from 0 (perfect equality, everyone receives an equal share) to 1 (perfect inequality). |
Air Quality Indicator - Ozone (O3) | CalEPA_CES | 2018 | California Census Tracts | 2011–2013 | 0.03-0.07 ppm | Air Quality Indicator - Ozone (O3). Ozone pollution causes numerous adverse health effects, including acute upper and lower respiratory symptoms, reduced lung function, and exacerbation of lung disease. CalEnviroScreen values modeled from 2011–2013 summer month maximum-value means. |
Air Quality Indicator - PM2.5 | CalEPA_CES | 2018 | California Census Tracts | 2012–2014 | 1.65-19.6 micrograms per cubic meter | Air Quality Indicator - Fine Particulate Matter <= 2.5 microns. PM2.5 includes extremely small particles and liquid droplets that when inhaled can penetrate deep into the lungs causing serious health problems. CalEnviroScreen values modeled from 2012–2014 averages of quarterly means. |
Drinking Water Quality Indicator | CalEPA_CES | 2018 | California Census Tracts | 2005–2013 | 6.92-1245.65 (index value) | The drinking water contaminant indicator considers measured chemical and bacterial contaminant levels; presence of multiple contaminants; and any past water system water-quality violations. CalEnviroScreen data (2005-2013) were aggregated from census blocks to tracts, weighted by population, and the state percentile value for each contaminant and violation type was summed for the overall score. The index ranges from 0 upwards, with higher values indicating greater concentrations of multiple contaminants. |
Air Quality Indicator - Asthma ER Visits | CalEPA_CES | 2018 | California Census Tracts | 2011–2013 | 3.5-278.83 | Air Quality Indicator - Age-adjusted rate of ER visits for asthma per 10,000 persons. |
SB535 Disadvantaged Community | CalEPA_CES | 2018 | California Census Tracts | 2018 | 0/1 (binary) | Census tract designated a SB 535 Disadvantaged Community. These communities represent the highest-scoring 25% most-pollution-burdened census tracts in California based on a suite of CalEnviroScreen indicators. SB 535 communities are specifically targeted for investment aimed at improving public health, quality of life, and economic opportunities, funded by proceeds from the State’s cap-and-trade program, one of several strategies used to reduce greenhouse gases that cause climate change. |
Alcohol Access | Esri Business Analyst | 2020 | California Census Tracts | 2019 | 0-22222.22 | Number of liquor stores per 100,000 population. |
Food - Pct Population with Low Access | USDA | 2017 | California Census Tracts | 2013–2017 | 0.0-100% | USDA Food Access Research Atlas data (2015) measure access to healthy and affordable food based on distance thresholds. This indicator estimates the percentage of the census tract population that live beyond 1 mile from the nearest supermarket for urban areas, or 10 miles for rural areas. |
Food - Low-Access Tract | USDA | 2017 | California Census Tracts | 2013–2017 | 0/1 (binary) | Low food access tract at 1 mile for urban areas or 10 miles for rural areas. The USDA Food Access Research Atlas considers a census tract to have low food access if a significant number (500) or share (>= 33%) of individuals in the tract lives beyond a specific distance from a supermarket, supercenter, large grocery store, or other source of healthy and affordable food. |
Housing - Median Year Built | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 1939-2013 (year) | Median year housing units built. Housing quality is affected by a home's age, maintenance, structure, and design. Poor air quality; lack of insulation; and potential exposure to lead, asbestos, mold, or carbon monoxide are examples of factors associated with negative health outcomes. |
Housing - Pct Occupied Units Lacking Plumbing | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-43.7% | Percentage of occupied housing units that lack indoor plumbing. |
Housing - Pct Occupied Units Lacking Complete Kitchen | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-50.5% | Percentage of occupied housing units that lack complete kitchen facilities. |
Housing - Pct Occupied Units with No Bedroom | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-83.6% | Percentage of occupied housing units with no bedroom. |
Housing - Pct Occupied Units with No Vehicle Available | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-89.2% | Percentage of occupied housing units with no vehicle available. |
Housing - Pct Occupied Units with No Computer | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-66.5% | Percentage of occupied housing units with no computing device available; includes smartphone. |
Housing - Pct Occupied Units with No Internet | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-76.4% | Percentage of occupied housing units with no internet subscription; includes cellular data. |
Population Density | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-58490 persons per square kilometer [0.0-35949.23] | Population density measures the number of persons per geographical area by dividing the total population by the total land area. It varies considerably across urban and rural areas and also across neighborhoods within cities. |
Old Age Dependency Ratio | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-917.8 (senior-age persons / working-age persons) [0.0-728.0] | The Old Age Dependency Ratio compares the size of the senior population (age 65 and over) to the size of the working-age population (18-64) to measure the social and economic impact of age structures. The ratio ranges from zero upwards; the higher the number, the greater the burden of supporting seniors on working people. |
Child Dependency Ratio | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-133.3 (child-age persons / working-age persons) | The Child Dependency Ratio compares the size of the child population (age 17 and under) to the size of the working-age population (18-64) to measure the social and economic impact of age structures. The ratio ranges from zero upwards; the higher the number, the greater the burden of supporting children on working people. |
Ethnicity - Pct Hispanic | ACS | 2019
| California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-100% | Percentage of the population who identify as of Hispanic or Latino origin. For Census data, ethnicity and race are two separate and distinct concepts. |
Ethnicity - Pct Non-Hispanic | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-100% | Percentage of the population who do not identify as of Hispanic or Latino origin. For Census data, ethnicity and race are two separate and distinct concepts. |
Race - Pct American Indian or Alaska Native | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-77.8% | Percentage of the population who identify their race as American Indian or Alaska Native. |
Race - Pct Asian | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-93.4% | Percentage of the population who identify their race as Asian. |
Race - Pct Black | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-83.9% | Percentage of the population who identify their race as Black or African American. |
Race - Pct Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-39.3% | Percentage of the population who identify their race as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. |
Race - Pct Multiple Race | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-66.7% | Percentage of the population who identify as two or more races. |
Race - Pct White | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-100% | Percentage of the population who identify their race as White. |
Race - Pct Some Other Race | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-100% | Percentage of the population who identify their race as Some Other Race. |
Pct Below 100% of Fed Poverty Level | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-88.5% | Percentage of the population with estimated annual income below the Federal Poverty Level. |
Pct Below 200% of Fed Poverty Level | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-100% | Percentage of the population with estimated annual income below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. |
Pct Below 300% of Fed Poverty Level | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-100% | Percentage of the population with estimated annual income below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level. |
Pct HH that receive SNAP | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-61.0% | Percentage of households receiving food stamps/SNAP. |
Pct HH with limited English | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-100% | Percentage of households that speak English less than very well. |
Pct HS Grad - Age 25 or Over | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-100% | Educational attainment; estimated percentage of the population age 25 and over who are high school graduates. |
Pct Bachelor's Degree - Age 25 or Over | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-71.2% | Educational attainment; estimated percentage of the population age 25 and over who hold a Bachelor's degree. |
Median Household Income | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | $2500-$250,000 | Estimated median annual household income in US dollars. |
Unemployment Rate - Age 16 or Over | ACS | 2019 | California Census Tracts | 2014–2018 | 0.0-20.0% | Estimated unemployment rate for persons age 16 and older. |
i2b2 Queries for “Same Encounter”
Queries for clinical or demographic concepts “in the same encounter” with SEDoH concepts will not be meaningful, since SEDoH measurements are not associated with clinical encounters.
Environmental Data - Air Quality Indicators
Estimated ambient air pollution, interpolated to grids from 4 closest measurement stations by SCEHSC/KSOM Preventive Medicine.
Annual averages available: 2009 included in Data Release 2.
May be of limited value; patient addresses unknown before 2011.
Social and Environmental Determinants of Health
Estimates for each California census tract based on demographic, socioeconomic, and environmental data from federal and state government sources.
ACS 5-year estimates updated annually; other data updated as released. Fall 2021 update scheduled for CalEPA_CES and USDA.
Data Sources
Data Source Acronyms | Data Sources |
ACS | American Community Survey, 5-year detailed tables, subject tables, and data profiles, 2014–2018 (Data Release 2 for i2b2), 2013–2017 (Data Release 1 for i2b2). US Census Bureau. |
CalEPA_CES | CalEnviroScreen 3.0. June 2018 update. Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), on behalf of the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA). |
CDC | Social Vulnerability Index, 2018 and 2016. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Based on US Census data. |
Esri Business Analyst | Esri Business Analyst 2020 and 2018 InfoUSA data excerpts. InfoUSA Academic Business Data 2019 and 2017. US Census Bureau population estimates and TIGER/Line census tract boundaries. |
SCEHSC | Gridded Ambient Air Pollutant Concentrations for Southern California 1998-2009. Prepared for USC NIEHS by F. Lurmann, Sonoma Technology, Inc. 2016. Converted for USC NIEHS by USC Spatial Sciences Institute. 2017. |
USDA | Food Access Research Atlas, 2015. US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. 2017. |
For additional information, you may consult these resources:
Cal EnviroScreen Website:
CDC ATSDR Social Vulnerability Index Website:
SCEHSC Air Quality Data Information:
USDA ERS Food Research Atlas Website:
You may contact us at for assistance with these data.