These instructions have been created to provide general guidance to researchers seeking services from the DHS Informatics &
Analytics Core Facility.
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A DHS-affiliated Investigator or co-investigator is required on your study staff and as the requestor of the research data set. This person will be responsible for compliance with DHS policies, including data transfer and access policies. For all data request types, Scheduling a Navigation ConsultationIf you're not sure where to get started, schedule a navigation data consultation to learn more about DHS Informatics Resources by sending an email to the helpdesk: helpdesk@dhs.lacounty.gov with the subject line "Research Data Consultation" to open a ticket. Please include details of your data requirements, any relevant data sets in the DHS Reports Library, your data dictionary, or i2b2 queries, and invite your data analyst to join. Our team can help identify and learn how to use DHS self-service tools, scope your data request, project budget, and IRB materialsapprovals, as needed. |
IRB Approval | DHS Categorization Score | DHS ID # Beginning with E or C | |
Aggregate Counts | X | ||
De-Identified Data Sets | X | X | X |
Identified Data | X | X | X |
1. Request IRB Approval and Receive a DHS Categorization Score (See Data Access Requirements Table)
You must obtain IRB approval (or determination of exemption) and a DHS, Research Oversight Board (ROB) Categorization Score, or DHS Level of Support. If the DHS Investigator(s) is a clinician at another DHS facility that is not LA General Hospital and a categorization score was not provided on the iStar IRB letter of approval, then the DHS Investigator must submit a request to the DHS Research Oversight Board for a categorization score.
IRB approval
Required for all DHS data sets and patient counts.
The investigator must be named and approved on the IRB protocol if an approved IRB protocol is necessary for data receipt.
DHS Categorization Score
(also known as DHS Level of Support)
Investigators requiring data for an IRB-approved protocol at
LA General Hospital must also submit a request to the DHS Research Oversight Board for a categorization score if the score was not
provided on the iStar IRB letter of approval.
If an alignment score was not provided and you are a
LA General Hospital Investigator, please file an amendment and be sure to indicate that you plan to view data from LA General Hospital Associated Locations (other DHS facilities) in iStar
. This will trigger the ROB
Categorization Score Process.
Helpful Articles
IRB Help
DHS Categorization Framework
Data Request Type
Submit a DHS Data Initiation Request (DIR) Form
Please complete and submit the
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This step is required in order for the CRI Clinical Research Informatics team to move forward with your data request.
3. Submit a Request for Data to the DHS Helpdesk
Requests that leverage existing DHS data assets like i2b2 or DHS Reports can often be fast-tracked through navigation services supported by SC-CTSI. The Informatics Core facility also offers at-cost data services to research teams that do not already have an analyst that can write DHS reports or data extracts on their staff.
The DHS "E" or "C" numbers of all IRB-approved study personnel in need of access to the data
IRB Approval Documentation or IRB determination of exemption
A written description of your study inclusions/exclusion criteria (for example: All DHS patients 18 and up with ICD-10 codes xx and xx AND have had xx procedure code from June 2018 to June 2019 at LA General Hospital only. Exclude minors and deceased patients)
The name of your i2b2 query or DHS Report (If relevant)
**If you have a prospective study and are requesting access to an existing ORCHID report or ELM report, please include the information above in a ticket to the DHS helpdesk (helpdesk@dhs.lacounty.gov) - see below for details and how to complete forms.
Please submit an email request to the county help desk helpdesk@dhs.lacounty.gov and include the following:
The subject line “Research “Enterprise Research Data Team - Data Request” and the IRB number
DHS P.I. Name and Email
The E or C numbers of all IRB approved study personnel in need of access to the data
IRB Approval Documentation
A written description of your study inclusionsinclusion/exclusion criteria and a data dictionary document with the associated concepts you are seeking (i.e. MRNs, zip codes, vaccination data, etc.)
If available, references to any existing reports in the DHS report library that are similar to your request
Please see step 7. Requesting access to an existing DHS report
Complete and attach the Report Request Form found below
View file | ||
4. Intake Consultation with the Informatics Team
Once your request is entered into Cherwell ( the DHS Helpdesk ticketing system), you will be contacted by the informatics DHS Informatics core for a phone data consultation to review the following:
Discuss Data Sourcing
DHS Categorization Score and IRB approval
Potential Costs (depending on the complexity of the data request)
5. Accessing DHS Remote Virtual Desktops
Your DHS-affiliated investigator should already have access to a DHS computer and/or Intranet in order to view DHS research data. If remote access is desired, please review the instructions for Accessing DHS Remote Desktops.
6a. Mapping the Shared Drive Folder
The Informatics Core will create a shared drive folder on the DHS intranet for secure file transfer. The DHS Investigator will need to map this folder. This shared drive folder will be used for the transfer of incoming data and the delivery of outgoing data. If you have already provided your C# or E#, and have received notification from our staff that your folder is ready to be mapped, please follow these steps:
6b. Incoming Data and Approval Documentation for the Informatics Team
Incoming Data Folder
As we collaborate on the data extraction, we the DHS Informatics Core will use the "Incoming" subfolder in the shared drive folder to make updates to the logic and data specifications you that was submitted with your original Helpdesk ticket.
If this is a new report, please include sample data (at least three patient records manually abstracted for validation) for your request.
Updates to the data dictionary and any data collection/specification sheets that will help our team better understand and source your data request
Example of excel sheet with deliverable data elements here
When applicable, a list of the consented participants that define authorized patients.
A sample extract of three patients
Please drop the following items into your approval documentation Approval Documentation folder on the informatics shared drive subfolder.
IRB Letter of Approval
IRB Full Application
Any Data Specification Sheets attached to your IRB Application
Any amendment approval letters
A Full copy of the approved amendment
7. Requesting access to an ELM data asset
If your project includes and ELM report, you will need to access the EAMO/Orchid Management advised that all request for ELM access needs to have an ELM account (not ORCHID account, because it is different). You must complete the web-based training to get an ELM account.
7. Requesting access to an existing DHS report
Prospective studies in Category with a DHS category score of 3 can leverage existing reports in the Report Library (follow instructions on searching, COVID projects may wish to sort by the most recent items to review for relevance if search terms do not surface what is needed)
Please see the instructions below while using the DHS Intranet. Your DHS PI is responsible for compliance with DHS and HIPAA policy, including minimum necessary and IRB authorized PHI disclosure.
DHS Virtual Desktop "p0278 Discern Reporting Portal"
ORCHID Icon → Reports Folder → Discern Reporting Portal → Login → Categories→ Published → <Report Category> → <Report Name>
E.g. ORCHID Icon → Reports Folder → Discern Reporting Portal → Login → Categories→ Published → ED Urgent Care → Firstnet Times Log Report
Step 4: Attach the completed report access request form to your DHS helpdesk ticket.
Category 3 projects in need of new or enhanced reports may enlist services from the DHS Informatics Core using the recharge service as described in section 2
Data requests are often structured first in i2b2. We will discuss if this is the right path during our consultation process, depending on what specific data elements (i.e. medications) are requested for your data request. Please note that the DHS i2b2 is currently unable to add new users as of July 2022.
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Helpful LinksResearch Oversight Board Categorization Process |