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FirstNet Times Log Instructions


Purpose: To provide standardized calculations of the main metrics for the DHS emergency departments and urgent care clinics.


The report has two sections:


The "Summary" report has summary statistics for the main ED and urgent care measures. It does not contain protected health information (PHI).


The "Detail" contains the patient level data used to calculate the summary. It contains PHI.




To Run the Report:


                ORCHID Icon → Reports Folder → Discern Reporting Portal → Login → Categories→ Published → ED Urgent Care → Firstnet Times Log Report


Note: you must request access to the Discern Reporting Portal from the enterprise help desk


                Choose your date range for ED arrivals to be included.  The range includes through the end of the end Date.


                Choose your facility


                Choose "Detail" or "Summary".


Because the report includes patients based on day of ED arrival, the data will not be complete until all patients who arrived during that period are dispositioned from the ED and ED observation. For example, a report for September should be run on or after October 4th for fully complete disposition data on observation patients.




*There are two ways to save the



1. After your results appear, click in the top leftmost square, highlighting the entire spreadsheet. Press Ctrl-C to copy. Open a blank Excel sheet. Click in cell A1. Press Ctrl-v to paste. Save.


2. After your results appear, click the disk icon to save.  You must navigate to where you want to save it.  For example, the path to my desktop is Computer→Local Disk (C: on 200 HUDMSK…) → Users → e123456 → Desktop.   If you just click the destop icon at the top of the list, it will save it on the desktop of the server that runs the report rather than your computer. Select "Save as type: Excel" unless you want a different format. Wait about 30 seconds before closing the results window or attempting to open the file. If you try too quickly, the file will be corrupt.




The report takes a long time to run. Expect it to take about 45 minutes for a month of data at LAC+USC


Most time metrics are expressed in median, mean, and 90th percentile minutes.


Intervals <-60 minutes and >5 days are omitted as likely invalid data


Report updated 9/24/2015 Instructions updated 9/28/2015




Patients with the last name format "ZZ*TEST" are excluded (case-insensitive)-added 12/2015




To run an "EMTALA Log" for a CMS survey, run the "Detail" version of the report as above for your facility, copy it into EXCEL, and filter to exclude the AOCLAST for "Urgent Care".