Please submit an email request to the county helpdesk help desk helpdesk@dhs.lacounty.gov and include the following:
- IRB Letter of Approval
- IRB Full Application
- Any Data Specification Sheets attached to your IRB Application
- Any amendment approval letters
- A Full copy of the approved amendment
6. Requesting access to an ELM data asset
If your project includes and ELM report, you will need to access the EAMO/Orchid Management advised that all request for ELM access needs to have ELM account (not ORCHID account, coz its different) and it’s a requirement to complete the web-based training to get ELM account.
- Login to Learning Net – with your hosted name & password
- On Catalog Search Widget, click on Advanced Search
- Knowledge Base opens, for Delivery Type, click drop down and select Web Based Training
- On ID field enter 00454442
- Click on Search Learning Catalog
- Click Launch on ELM Analytic Training for Non-ORCHID Users.
The WBT does have a Proficiency Test, so please read all that pertains to quiz. Also once completed with ELM Training either open a ticket with completion certificate attach or send us an email with certificate attach.
7. Requesting an i2b2 Account (Optional)