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Please submit an email request to the county helpdesk help desk and include the following:


  • IRB Letter of Approval
  • IRB Full Application
  • Any Data Specification Sheets attached to your IRB Application
  • Any amendment approval letters
  • A Full copy of the approved amendment

6. Requesting access to an ELM data asset

If your project includes and ELM report, you will need to access the EAMO/Orchid Management advised that all request for ELM access needs to have ELM account (not ORCHID account, coz its different) and it’s a requirement to complete the  web-based training to get  ELM account.

  1. Login to Learning Net – with your hosted name & password
  2. On Catalog Search Widget, click on Advanced Search
  3. Knowledge Base opens, for Delivery Type, click drop down and select Web Based Training
  4. On ID field enter 00454442
  5. Click on Search Learning Catalog
  6. Click Launch on ELM Analytic Training for Non-ORCHID Users.

The WBT does have a Proficiency Test, so please read all that pertains to quiz. Also once completed with ELM Training either open a ticket with completion certificate attach  or send us an email with certificate attach.

7. Requesting an i2b2 Account (Optional) 
