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SC CTSI's Clinical Research Informatics group provides a variety of free resources and consultations, with an option to purchase additional services on a recharge basis.

Services Available Through the Clinical Research Informatics Team




Access to de-identified tools for querying medical records

Self-service tools for searching USC records (i2b2) or records from other health systems (LADR, ACT, TriNetX). Immediately view de-identified counts and breakdowns of patients meeting search criteria to help you plan for clinical studies.


Simple data extraction by CRI Developers

Extracting de-identified, aggregate, and identified patient datasets with appropriate approvals

$125/hour NIH funded / $150 Non-NIH

Complex data extraction and development

Extracting and preparing custom clinical datasets in an analysis-ready format

$125/hour NIH funded / $150 Non-NIH

mHealth consultations

Expert consulting on mobile health research and application development

$125/hour NIH funded / $150 Non-NIH

Geospatial consultations

Expert consulting on informatics research projects linking geospatial information with health data

$125/hour NIH funded / $150 Non-NIH

Technical consultations

Expert scientific consulting on clinical research informatics projects

$125/hour NIH funded / $150 Non-NIH

Categories for Pro-Bono Services

There are some instances where services or partial services may be rendered for free. Please see the chart below for more detail.


  1. DHS Investigators with DHS Category 1 Research. Contact for details or visit:


  1. Volunteers willing train other Investigators in CRI tools and services. Contact for details.

Annual The annual maximum for researchers of is 15 total hours of free consultation (for all projects combined)
What is not free:

  • Any consultation or work performed after the initial consultation or outside of the free categories and time limitations abovePerformance of statistical analysis, even if a full initial hour of consultation has not been provided

Our priority and target audience is: 1) NIH-funded, junior investigators; 2) those planning to apply for NIH-funding
SC CTSI heavily subsidizes these services. Please plan to cite the SC CTSI grant (see footer) in any publications that benefit from them.