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Before pursuing any of these options for your study, please ensure your forms have been approved by OPRS. It is your responsibility to ensure approval, compliance and management of all your study materials, including REDCap forms that utilize the eConsent feature. The same policy applies to your data sharing, management and user rights - please ensure compliance with your IRB protocol at all times while storing data in REDcap.

To capture participant-specific metadata such as consented IP address, and PDF Archive, you must enable the REDCap e-consent feature. A signature field alone will not capture this information.

Upload an inline copy of your OPRS approved Informed Consent Form as an image in REDCap, for the participant to read through and then provide their consent.

Creating Your Project:

  1. Create a new project from scratch by selecting “New Project.”



  • Reminder: If you need more information about Redcap design, we recommend watching the “Building a Project” series found under Training Videos in Redcap.


Uploading your e-Consent forms:

  1. Select add a new field and Select “Descriptive Text” as your field type. 


  1. Use a text box field if you want the participant to type in their first name, last name, date, etc.


  2. Add in a signature field for the participant to physically write out their signature.


Enabling the E-Consent Framework in Redcap:

  1. Make sure survey settings are enabled for the project and for the instrument.


Child pages (Children Display)
pageBuilding your Single e-Consent Form in REDCap